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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31, 2013

Meditate and write. Those are my New Year's resolutions. So here goes nuthin'. 

I had another blog, that was started in 2004 and went all through my life up to mid-2012. Then I just stopped updating it as my life as a basically bedridden person became so boring, and all I had to write about was bitching about it. At least, I believe that was my excuse. Then the accident in September 2012, at the fault of rude and abusive paramedics happened, and I've never been the same since. Mentally or physically. That's a really long story that resulted in a seriously fucked up leg and "basically" bedridden became "you-don't-have-a-say-in-the-matter" bedridden. One day I may write about the whole thing here, but it's a BIGGIE so I've been putting it off. 

Anyway, back to my old blog. In late 2012 a website I owned (and no longer had use for) needed to be renewed. Since I was under the impression my blog ran through it and not paying the renewal would result in losing that, I paid the renewal for a year. I tried reaching the guy who hosts everything and when he finally got back to me, he said it wouldn't have affected my blog and it was no big deal to let it go. So, this year when the renewal came up, I didn't pay it. And when I went to make changes to my blog and get it going again, guess what? It WAS a big deal. 

So I've started this one since I can't update or make any changes to my old one. 

I plan to use this as a place to not only vent about my current lot in life, but to record my memoirs. I have a lot of stories and have led quite the life before MS and broken bones took it away from me, so as I think of things I'll write about it. Using this app on my iPod Touch sure makes things easier for me, as I one-thumb type. I figure it's just as well I had to find a new online home, as my old one couldn't be updated so easily. AUTOMATIC APOSTROPHES, PERIODS AND CAPS ARE AWESOME. 

So, I hope you'll be back. And I hope I keep my resolution of writing here on a frequent basis. As for the other resolution, you'd think a bedridden person wouldn't have trouble meditating. You'd be wrong...

In the meantime, back to Downton Abbey.