So, caregiver turnover, hiring and training has been nuts. Two people had to leave me and three new people have been hired to do their shifts. In the morning Thalia is coming because one of the new girls already called in (or emailed me at 10:30 pm) sick. Not a good sign...
The power will be out from 9:00am to 3:00pm on Tuesday. I can't even BEGIN to tell you how that will affect me!! Huge. Caregiver re-arranging and shower re-arranging and getting up way too early and needing to be out the entire day! I hate doing this to new people. This week was different because Tuesday morning was my Botox at the hospital, and now next week has to change, too. Never mind that one girl is on holidays until the 15th. It's crazy here and I'm stressed!
I may be doing a radio interview on Monday. It's to do with the fact that physician assisted death becomes law on February 7, but our Federal government may ask for an extension because they're not ready to draw up legislation. That's nuts!! They put things through so fast when they want to. This is a ridiculous situation. People who are suffering should not have to wait even an extra HOUR for this to be available. The Canadian Medical Association is trying to put together some policies, and they suggest a 22 day "cooling off" period. As one person commented, "my father was diagnosed and died in 21 days! It was an ugly, painful death..." 22 days is far too long. It's acceptable for someone like me who has a disability/chronic condition, but certainly not everyone. No matter where you stand on the topic, it is going to be law so legislation and regulations need to be drawn up.
Also we're going to discuss the fact that my federal MP has never responded to me! I only have copies of four emails from this past year, but I have written him and my previous provincial MLA many times over the years and NOTHING. A new MLA for my area was finally voted in May 5, (when this province went NDP after over 40 years of a Conservative government!) and she responded to me IMMEDIATELY. No action that I've heard of, but at least she responded positively. I just want to be heard.
Which is why I may be on the radio. This was set up because a woman wrote a blogpost in Huffington Post, and I commented that I wanted to talk to her, and somehow she found me through the MS Society and we chatted. She is making media arrangements because she thinks people need to hear from people like me. Not because she has a stand on the subject, I don't know where she stands, but she's a lawyer and since this will be a law, we need legislation.
So if I'm interviewed anywhere, I will certainly post the details!